Abalone Experience Class in Seoul

Are you searching for a unique and unforgettable food experience in Seoul?
Look no further than Abalone Farmers' newly launched Abalone Experience Class,
set amidst the vibrant neighborhood of Hapjeong-dong (located close to Mangwon Market).
Here, you'll embark on a journey into the fascinating world of Korean
abalone farming and tasting- guided by a passionate abalone farmer eager to
share his knowledge and love for this prized delicacy.

Introduction to Korean Abalone: Step into our retail space and immerse yourself in the rich history and background of Korean abalone farming. Learn about the innovative techniques and traditions that have shaped the industry and discover why Korean abalones from Wando are renowned among locals and international buyers alike.

Hands-On Experience: Get ready to roll up your sleeves and dive into the action as you learn the art of shucking abalones under the expert guidance of our instructors. Discover the proper techniques and simple tools needed to expertly clean this delectable seafood.

Tasting: Abalone tasting experience showcases this exquisite delicacy in three delightful preparations: sashimi, steamed, and cooked in a flavorful seaweed soup (each participant will be indulging in 3 whole abalones). As part of our dedication to inclusivity, our food preparations are free from pork and beef ingredients.

Book a Class: Our Abalone Experience sessions are priced at an affordable 30,000 won per person and will take approximately an hour. Classes are conducted in English/Korean. With a maximum of six people per session, you can expect an intimate and personalized experience. Private classes for groups are also available upon request, perfect for gatherings of friends a family.

Ready to embark on this culinary adventure? Visit our Instagram page @abaloneexperience for more information on how to book a session, or email us at abaloneclass@gmail.com.

Don't miss your chance to discover the delicious world of Korean abalones with us! 
Here are some pictures from our pilot session.

p/sIf attending a class isn't a feasible option, you're welcome to visit our retail store on weekdays for fresh abalone takeout. 

전복 체험 프로그램 (in 서울)

한국 여행중 좀 더 색다른 경험을 원하시나요?  음식 또는 요리에 관심이 있으시다면 "전복체험" 은 어떠신가요?

최근 서울 마포구 합정동에 위치한 "전복파머스"의 도소매점에서 전복 양식 과정에 대한 설명과 활전복3마리를 직접 요리준비해보고 , 그전복으로 가장쉬운 전복 요리 3가지를 맛보실수 있는 프로그램을 시작했어요. (혹시 돌아가신 제 시아버지께서 80년대 최초 전복 양식을 시작하신 분중 한분이셨던건 모르셨을거에요.)

전복 체험 프로그램은 인당 3만원이며, 약 1시간정도 소요됩니다.
각 프로그램당 4-6명이 같이 체험을 하되며 그룹예약도 가능한점 참고하세요.

관심 있는 분은 이메일 (abaloneclass@gmail.com) 또는 인스타그램 DM 부탁드립니다.

다음은 전복 프로그램 참고 자료입니다.

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