Bridal Shower (Part Tres)

This marks the 3rd and final bridal shower entry featuring my sisters from my first full time job.
They were my colleagues that became my sisters and it's been almost 7years since we first met!
We have all left that job ever since and they are one of the most selfless and genuine friends that I've got the chance to work and travel with-i'm so blessed.

A hi tea in Carcosa Seri Negara were arranged for us- which is by far the better pick in terms of "food" and the selections of tea.
Ailing has gone on to be a supermom and that's her little superman gracing us with his michelin-folds and adorable antics.
I can't wait for the rest of the girls to get hitched because bridal showers are so much fun!! 
...or they can host my bridal shower anniversary? Whichever way works for me! ;)

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